2017 West Coast - We Got Off The Freeway

We left Glendive MT and zoomed about 100 miles on freeway to Forsyth MT.  There we ventured off on 2 lane roads heading towards Great Falls.

The road was clean, clear and there was no wind.  But we were often on our own with no one behind us for miles, nor oncoming for 15 - 20 minutes.  I pondered what to do if we broke down. We have a tarp with us in the trailer that we could use for shelter. We had water and snacks to eat, but we would have to ration. We had a couple weapons we could use to defend ourselves from wolfs or cougers. They should rescue us before we had to resort to cannibalism.

LoriAnn gets bored and takes a variety of odd pictures. This is what my dash view looks like. In addition to gps, i have a paper map that provides a larger picture of the route.

We stopped for gas and lunch at Roundup MT.  At the gas station we started talking with a man and wife in a big pickup.  We found out he was from Arkansas and knew many of the same places we have ridden thru. After asking, he recommended eating at a spot called Busy Bee. It was a nice place. We both had a hot roast beaf sandwich. It had lots of meat, real potatoes, and lots of yummy gravy.

We continued heading west after lunch. Sadly the wind got stronger, but nothing like yesterday.  The foothills started to get closer and closer. There is still snow in the mountains!

We turned north and road thru the Lewis and Clark National Forests. It was a fun road to ride with  gorgeous scenary.

We arrived in Great Falls MT about 515 PM.  Settled in, went to dinner and then washed the bike. 
LoriAnn's back is getting better every day. Thanks to God for relieving the pain. Thanks to all who are praying for us.

To those that try to follow the LOCATOWEB tracker. We are traveling in areas without cell coverage. Sorry for the lack of realtime updates.  Here is todays track. 468 miles per odometer.


Rose said…
Sounds like quite the adventure and I'm enjoying your updates. Continued prayers for healing and safety!

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