2017 West Coast Glacier National Park

We couldn't go to the sun, so we road in it.

We left Great Falls and traveled up HWY 89 toward Glacier National Park.  The mountains to our west were constant reminders of the path we had to take.

There is still snow on the 'Going to the sun' highway going through Glacier National Park. So we took HWY 2 west along the south of the park. How did the first people in the area ever find their way to the correct pass to make it through the mountains? We didn't have to worry about that, and today, the route was pretty much ours for the ride with no traffic hindering us. 

As we hit the West Portal we stopped for lunch before heading into the park. We split a buffalo burger, and had some excellant corn chowder soup which complemented it.

The 'Going to the sun' highway was open to Avalance. About 15 miles. Again we were lucky to make the ride up with no traffic. We turned around at Avalanche. On the way down we did some site seeing.

Before we left the park we headed North on Camas Rd untill we ran out of asphalt. Again we had to turn around. We left the Park and headed to the hotel in Kalispell.

After dinner i was cleaning the bike. As i was stepping over the trailer hitch i fell, catching the back of my leg on the trailer hitch. My leg is bruised and scraped. 

LoriAnns back is so much better. Thanks for the prayers. Keep them coming! Please, because we have a way to go.

To those trying to follow the tracker, I apologize for the lack of real time updates. Per odometer today we covered 296 miles.


Paul said…
Too many JACKS at supper maybe? LOL

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