2017 West Coast - Curves and white stuff.

I wish i new how many curves i went around today.

We headed out of Reedsport on HWY 38 and traveled upstream along the Umpqua river.  About 50 miles later we turned on HWY 138 for another 100 miles. Thats 150 miles of curvy roads climbing to an altitude of 3000 feet.  What a climb, what a road to travel... this combination deserves ☆☆☆☆☆!

The sign says it all for ~150 miles

After following the Umpqua river to its start, we headed into Crater Lake National Park.  I had checked the route on Tuesday and knew the west rim road to the lake was open and that we would see snow. But LoriAnn was clueless that she would be in snow. I was surprised how much was left.

Creater lake is the deepest lake in the United States with a depth of 1,949 feet.

Before we got to the lake we had to go through road construction at the top of the mountain. We waited about 30 minutes for a pilot car to take us through it. The worst of it was about a mile long, On loose rock and sand we traveled on a one lane road, with our eyes on the edge of the road that dropped off sharply. We got through that mess, but i was concerned about needing to change my shorts (just kidding, but it was bad)

After the construction, we stopped at an overlook. How gorgeous. Inside a crator, created by an volcano, is a gorgeous lake. This was a great opportunity to catch my breath and enjoy the scenary.

We then dropped a lot of altitude and stopped at the Anne Creek lodge for lunch.

From the park we cruised about an hour to Klamouth Falls for the night.

LoriAnn's back is doing ok. My left leg is healing but bruised from when i fell. My right knee has taken a beating and is given me issues when walking. Lets not forget my left wrist, thats been sore, from hours of battling the wind and pushing through the curves.  We are entering the heat wave thats hitting the southwest, so we are concerned about traveling. Keep those prayers coming!

Tracking today was hit and miss.


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