2017 West Coast - Last minute preperations - and away we go!

Getting ready to leave is a lot of work! We haven't been sitting around doing nothing these last few days.

Both of us have work.  Getting all the loose ends done before we leave, as well as making sure you have coverage while your gone, takes a bunch of effort!

Getting Dad ready for a long period without us, also takes a lot of work!  Its like sending your kid off to camp for 2 weeks.   I think I have made 4 trips to Walmart in the last week to get supplies for him.  Goodbyes were hard this time.

A storm came through our area and we got hail as large as ping pong balls.  The house was damaged as well as my car! The insurance adjuster was over on Wednesday for the car.  The home adjuster wont be out until we return.

I mowed the yard on Wed night also. The grass needs rain, but then it will need mowing again. We haven't put in the Garden. The plants need some TLC.

The list goes on and on.  Anyone who has left home for an extended period of time knows the trials we faced these last few days.

But, it happened! At 4:30 the bike was loaded up, the trailer was hitched up, the tires were pumped up, the tank was filled up and we were on the road.

We cruised 30 miles and stopped! We went across the north part of town on hw 610. When we reached I 94 it was bumper to bumper going no where.  LoriAnn checked the weather and saw rain ahead. So, since it was almost dinner time we stopped at Rogers MN for dinner.  We only had traveled 30 miles.  We stopped dinner and then put on our rain pants while in the restaurant because the chairs made it easier. We expected to hit the rain 15 minutes down the road. The traffic was a little better when we started again.

After going another 100 miles down the road we stopped for gas in Alexandria MN. There wasn't any rain. Looking back we know its because we stopped for 30 minutes for dinner so the rain had passed by ahead of us.  We saw evidence of the rain on the shoulder of the road and in the fields.

After another 120 miles, and a beautiful sunset, we reached Fargo ND and in our Motel room.

Pray for LoriAnn. Before leaving she twisted wrong and tonight her back hurts. Excercises and ice has relieved some of the pain.  Its a cause of concern, so pray!


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