Loosing Data Drive

OK, so I have been getting a drive access error on my computer for about a month.  Until today, I have been able to dismiss the error and continue.  But today I, after dismissing the error, my D; drive disappeared.   I have 2 physical drives on my computer.  Drive C; is where my OS and program files are located.   Drive D: is where all my data is stored.  Drive D: is error-ing out.

Frantically, I checked my last backup and found that I had done one in April of this year.  Worst case I could recover photos and music from the phones, cameras, and music vendors.   I have already saved the financial records to another drive.  There were very little document changes I worried about.  But never the less, I want to complete another backup.  With all the preparation for the West Coast trip, I really do not have time for this!

>Update on Monday 6/5<  Full backup is completed.   Tonight I obtain and install a new drive.

BTW, I have a few motorcycle related blogs in draft.  I hope to get these out soon.


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