2017 West Coast - Last ride before, trying out the Wild Ass

Today we went out on the last ride before we leave on the 2017 West Coast trip.  (6/10/17)

Just a quick 75 miles from home to Rush City for breakfast.  Then another 75 miles to home.  We left early to avoid the heat.  The ride to Rush City was decent.  But from Rush City to home the wind was horrendous. Doing 45 degree angles down the road is dangerous.  The gust caused a state of constant corrections.  The dust storms from farmer fields made us hold our breaths.

Breakfast was at the Creek Side Cafe and Pizzeria in Rush City.  Just the standard breakfast order, but great hash browns, and quick and courteous service.  I think there is currently a group-on coupon for there.

We purchased a Wild Ass Seat cushion for the West Coast trip.   The Wild Ass is suppose to reduce painful pressure points, promote circulation, reduces heat and moisture buildup, and reduce shock and vibration.  LoriAnn doesn't get the airflow behind me, so this should help on the long and or hot days.  I may get to borrow it for periods if needed.

LoriAnn used it for this short day trip.  Her initial report is that it will help.  It makes her ride a bit higher in the seat.  And there is more airflow for her.  I tried it the day I bought it, and would say the same thing.  For the driver, I would say it will help on the long highway.  But in the twisty corners, I didn't like the instability I found in my seat.  I'll report on this farther down the highway.

We still love those Sena Blue Tooth devices


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