2017 West Coast - LoriAnn's job

LoriAnn isn't getting a free ride on this trip! She is a vital and integral working part of the machine that keeps us moving.

Often, while flying down the road i will say into the Sena intercom "Talk to me Goose". In the movie Top Gun, Maverick and Goose were one team while flying. That is the type of relationship LoriAnn and I have developed on this trip.

Her many roles include: copilot, steward, photo journalist, and chaplain.

As a copilot she watches for traffic, keeps me informed of wild life, provides me local eye on the sky weather reports, and ensures that I am flight ready.  Whats flight ready? Sometimes I need a break or I should be done for the night and I don't know it.  She will encourage the stop. In larger towns where a cell tower signal exists she has helped navigate thru town or to a point of interest.

As the steward she provides my snacks while in flight. She carries in the pockets of her jacket (in baggies) life saver mints and pretzel bites. Both are easy to consume with a helmet on and to safely pass to me while driving. She also maintains the water bottle, which she passes to me when i need a drink. At stops she refills her pockets and keeps the water bottle full.  As for the mint wrappers and baggies; she stuffs them into pockets for later disposal.

As our Photo Journalist she documents the journey in pictures. My eyes are on the road and what I can see immediately in front of me. LoriAnn wears a camera and her cell phone on lanyards around her neck. For those interested, the cell phone is in a water proof case, with finger sensitive clear sides. At the end of the day I get to review the hundreds of pictures she takes. Its amazing to see the wonderfull views, and wildlife that i missed while my attention was else wear.
Notice the camera and cell phone!

Each morning we suit up with the armour of the road. We put on our boots, jackets, helmets and gloves. All designed to provide us protection.  As our chaplain, LoriAnn adds an additional layer of protection through our morning prayer. Each morning she thanks God for what he has provided us, asking for travel mercies, and to share his love with family and friends. She puts on the armour of God in the morning and heaps on layers more throughout the day in praising him on our trips.

She has one more job that is prbably the hardest. She has to stay awake!  While I get to adjust the throttle, hit the breaks, work the turn signals and drive through traffic; LoriAnn just has to sit still.  It takes a lot of strength and power to stay awake; especially when days get hot and nightime sleep is often difficult in a new location every night.

Her effort to complete her duties willingly on this trip is greatly appreciated. I only hope I can demonstrate my admiration for her through my patience and love. Its been such a pleasure to have her on this Bucket List trip with me!  


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