2017 West Coast - A two Pass Day

Not many people can say they drove on top of the world!

We left Cooke City on the Beartooth Highway heading for Red Lodge, WY.  We crossed over the Beartooth Pass.

The Beartooth Pass is one of the highest and most rugged areas in the lower 48 states, with 20 peaks reaching over 12,000 feet in elevation. In the surrounding mountains, glaciers are found on the north flank of nearly every mountain peak over 11,500 feet high. The Road itself is the highest elevation highway in Wyoming (10,947 feet) and Montana (10,350 feet), and is the highest elevation highway in the Northern Rockies.

At Red Lodge we turned east, heading southwest back into Wyoming. This region was suppose to get rain and it began to develop west of us as we left Red Lodge, and it chased us east across Wyoming. While constantly watching over our shoulders, we headed uphill into the Big Horn National Forest, and went through another pass.

Throughout this journey, our Sena Bluetooth headsets have been a blessing with intercom and our personal music. Its fantastic to hear the pleasure in LoriAnn's voice as she takes in the scenary. From behind me I've heard 'oh my', 'wow', and 'incredible' so many times, I know she is enjoying herself
After coming down from the mountains, we jumped on I 90 and cruised pass Sheridan, WY to Buffalo WY. We got to our room, called dad, ate dinner, washed the motorcycle and washed a load of laundry.


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