2017 West Coast - Ride to get the trailer

We are borrowing a trailer from a friend to use for the West Coast trip. (6/3/17)

Mark was suppose to bring it into town this weekend.  Since LoriAnn and I were looking for a destination to ride to this weekend, I offered to stop at the cabin and bring it home.  Mark was so grateful because he also had to find a way to bring an old car back by trailer.  Glad I could help Mark help me!

We were on the road by 830 AM. We headed North through Taylor Falls (again, love the roads through there) towards Grantsburg.  Turned east on CR-G after missing CR-I.  Picked up HWY-48 at Cumberland and road that thru Rice Lake to Birchwood.  At Birchwood we picked up a favorite road of mine, CR-F, and then wound our way up to the 'Rice Lake'.

We stopped for lunch at The Landing Resort on Rice Lake.  This is a seasonal resort and restaurant that sits right on a causeway going through the middle of the lake.   We like the Walleye sandwich, that is simple but yummy.  Rice Lake is supposedly where the biggest Muskee was ever caught.

After lunch we rode up to Clam Lake, then onto Cable.  In Hayward we stopped for gas and tried to contact my friend Mark to let him know we were close.  I had to leave him a message.  From there we went through Trego. The Namakagan river runs through Trego.  I have a lot of great memories canoeing down the Namakagan River with my brother and friends.  Many of those include a story about Trego.

From Trego it was back roads to Web Lake where Marks cabin resides.  It was mostly asphalt road.  The last quarter mile was a passable gravel road right to the Cabin.  When we got there we were met by Marks wife.  Whether it was from experience riding with Mark or the expressions on our faces, she offered us her bathroom to use.  Bless her heart!

Mark drove up shortly after we got there on his quad runner and escorted us back up the dirt road, back down the asphalt road and onto a grass covered path for a 100' or so, to the pole shed where the trailer was stored.  Mark pumped up the tires and I hooked up the trailer.  We said our goodbyes and were back on the road.

LoriAnn selfie with the trailer 

We went north from the cabin, to Highway 77.  Then west to Danbury WI.   East of Danbury we ran into a light shower; but we didn't even stop.  In Danbury we turned southwest on another CR-F to Grantsburg, and then home,

We road 382 miles for the day.  LoriAnn and I are managing to get our butts into shape in preparation for the West Cost Ride

The new Dunlap Elite 4 tires did their stuff.  I was glad to be riding on new rubber. They have held their tire pressure. They tracked well on the twisty roads and smooth on the straight ones.  I am looking forward to burning them up!

Wanna check out my rides follow me on Locatoweb.  Then search for TRHOMER!



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