2017 West Coast - Back in Idaho

Wifi is bad tonight. The motel signal was non existent on our side of the building. Sprint signal was strong but bandwidth was horrible.

We are safe in Mountain Home Idaho. We road 497 miles today. 300+ from Reno to Elko NV, then 2 lane road from Elko to Mountain Home.  We had one stretch of 40 miles very straight road. It would have been fun to open up the throttle, but the wind and trailer held me back. Idaho must use the same crap to patch the cracks in the road as Minnesota because the tar snakes were slippery than snot.

We found a real cool canyon just south of the Idaho border. The creeks water was fron the Wild Horse Reservoir. The rock formations along the road were awesome.  With the bike loaded and me being at the end of the hot day, I took the curves conservatively.

We had a miracle stop for gas and bathroom at Idaho border. We went through the town Owyhee and saw no place to stop. I was prepared to go into fuel conservation mode. Both of us were prepared to use the road side. Outside the town was a gas stop and grocery store, that was what we needed.

We saw real cowboys riding fence line.

We washed clothes today. But the dryer had no heat. We hung a lot of clothes on pool furniture and the motorcycle to get them dry.  When we went to bed, clothes were hung everywhere. Woke up and thankfully  packed the dry clothes.

Temperature was at 99 deg f at one point.  We drank a lot of lot of water to stay hydrated.


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