2017 West Coast - Goals Met

Remeber the goals of this bucket list trip?

Goals: I need to reach the states of Idaho, Washigton, Oregon, California and Nevada. I also need to reach the Pacific Ocean. After accomplishing these i can say that i have ridden in all 48 lower states and I have reached the Atlantic, Pacific, the Gulf and all five great lakes.

Today, LoriAnn and I completed the last 2 of our objectives! Although we are happy to have accomplished this, we recognize the journey is not over. So, its too early to celebrate.

We managed to check out of the motel early, to get on the road and try to avoid the heat.  We left Klamath Falls and heaed southeast to Reno.  A lot of the trip was through Modoc National Forest in California.

We stopped for gas in Adin Ca. The owner of this store told us about the increase in cougars and wolves in the area.  She also told us how the local logging economy failed because of the spotted owl.  Across the road from the store was tower where the milling company used to burn residual saw dust. It could have been a giant bad mitten shuttlecock, or a large space capsule.

Along the road we saw evidence of Lava fields left over from a time long ago. We also drove through groves of Juniper and Ponderosa trees. We saw acres of forests that had burned in forest fires.  All day Mt Shasta was on the horizon.

Although today was a pleasant ride, it was just to get somewhere. We got into Reno early, and had to wait for our room.

Traaking was off and on today. Thanks for trying to follow if you did


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