Poem titled "Me Mudder"

In honor and tribute to all mothers.
This was found on the bulletin board at my grandfathers store in Lotts Creek Iowa.

Supposedly found in an old territorial prison in Yuma.

When my prayers were early said
Who tucked me in my widdle bed
And spanked my ass till it was red?
Me Mudder

Who lifted me from my cozy cot
And set me on an ice cold pot
and make me pee if I could or not?
Me Mudder

And when the morning light had come
In my widdle crib I dribbled some
who wiped my tiny little bum?
Me Mudder

Who did my hair so nearly part
and pressed me gently to her heart
and sometimes squeezed till I'd fart
Me Mudder

Who looked at me with eyebrows knit,
and neatly had a king size fit,
When in my Sunday clothes me shit
Me Mudder

When at night the bed did squeak,
me raised me head to have a peek,
who yelled at me to go to sleep
Me Fadder!


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