Rockie Mountain Trip - Day +6

Today we left Glenwood Springs and blasted up the freeway to Wolcot. There we jumped on HW 131 and went north to Steamboat Springs. From Steamboat we took HW 40 to Granby. Then we jumped on HW 34 and went into the Rockie Mountain National Park. At Estes Park we took HW 7 to HW 36, then HW 36 back west to HW 34. Finally we finished out the day taking HW 34 into Loveland.

Throughout todays ride, we noticed that the pine trees in northern Colorado are dying off. We don't know whats happening to them. My guess is because of lack of water. We saw this east of Steamboat as well as in the Rockie Mountain National Park. You can see the dead timber in the pictures. All that dead lumber, must be a fire hazard for the region. Lets hope a fire doesn't happen.

When leaving Steamboat Springs today, I had a flash back to a ski trip that Steve, My other brother Doug and I took years ago. We were in Dougs paneled station wagon traveling down the same roads after a long day skiing. There were a couple of trips to Steamboat for the three of us in the station wagon. One of the trips, I had a tooth that went south on me. I was in a lot of pain skiing, and the next day I went to an emergency dental appointment. Steve, Doug and I used to ski together as well as ride motorcycles. Doug had an acident and passed on. But Steve and I commented that he is with us on this trip.

Its been awhile since I updated you on the communicator radios. My system is still acting oddly. I have always been able to receive, but not always able to send voice. Tuesday and Wednesday, the set seemed to work well in the morning but as the day went on, it developed issues. Today, it worked great all day. We are beginning to think its a temperature issue. As the radio gets hot, it starts to fail. Since most of today was in 50-60 degree temperature, it never warmed up.

We have run across an interesting phenominim. When coming up behind a car or pickup, some of them have been speeding up when we are behind them. You might think that would be good; since speeding up doesn't impede us. But it gets worse. When they get to a straight away where we could pass, they speed up more. Or worse yet, when we are passing them, they speed up. With two of us, its easy for us to observe this. I think they are trying to be nice to us by speeding up as we come up behind them. But why they speed up when being passed, confuses me. This is an issue on the mountain roads because the passing areas are short and very far apart. Ok, to far apart if you ask me. Its like the state of Colorado got there yellow paint on sale and are planning on using every single drop in the double yellow lines.

My wife LoriAnn has been trying to follow us via my cell phone. My cell phone company has a service where they can show the location of the phone on a map. We thought this might be a fun for her. But we didn't take into affect that my service isn't eveywhere we are traveling. In addition, up in the mountains there is no service at all. LoriAnn still trys to locate us and once in awhile does. Its exciting for her and lets her know we are safe because we are moving.

The Rockie Mountain National Park was pretty neat. The road's winding course takes you 12,183 feet above sea level. This is the highest peak that Steve and I have crossed this trip. There was snow in the hills and a bit chilly. I saw 49 degrees on my bikes thermometer. We took our time today moving through the park. We really had little choice because there were plenty of vehicles with the same idea. It was a great ride.

Todays stops included a fuel break in Steamboat Springs, and lunch around Estes Park.

Dinner tonight was Mexican again. Tonights restaurant was called Margarita's and yes I had one! The restaurant is right next door to the motel. We didn't feel like driving anywhere so thats where we went. Good Mexican food. Steve had a great burrito and I had the Fajita's. Just the oposite of the last Mexican meal.

We plan to turn the corner and head northeast tomarrow. We plan on visiting Carhenge in Nebraska and then work our way via 2 lane roads east - northeast. We have no direct target location, just working our way home.

TTFN - LA I love you a whole lot - Todd


Anonymous said…
I am so happy that you guys are having such a great trip!
Excited to see you on Saturday.
Miss you!
I Love You a whole lot too! LA :-)

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