Rockie Mountain Trip - Day +1

Today is the first day on the road! What a ride! From my house to tonights hotel in Sheridan Wyoming: 879 miles.

I left my house this morning at 6:45 CST. Already 15 minutes behind schedule, I arrived at Steves house and than it took us a 1/2 hour to clear Steve's house and get on the road. Part of the delay is because we found that we had problems with our communicators. For some reason my microphone isn't working. I can hear Steve just fine, but he can't here me through the microphone in the helmet. Without the headset, the radio works find. We'll work on it tonight to try to fix it. For today we worked out a series of clicks for yes, no, stop. It worked but Steves conversation was one sided. I wanted to talk back to him.

Most of the ride today was on the superslab interstate. It was very boring. We did see some guy dangling below a helicopter working on a very tall high voltage line. That was allsome. There were many long miles traveled. The weather was pretty decent with no rain, some clouds and not much heat. Steve is such a slave driver on the road. I think I was ready to quit about 100 mile ago.

But at Gilette Wyoming, we got off the freeway and traveled up two lane HW 14 to Sheridan. This is where I had a little excitement on one of the first curves we came upon. After traveling all day going straight on the Interstate, making a tight turn suddenly became difficult. Don't worry, I just went a bit wide, and I did stay on the road. I quickly adjusted my riding style and started getting into the groove. The curves were just enough to wake me up and get me excited for tomarrow.

Gas stops today included: Worthington MN, Chamberlain SD, and then Spearfish SD.

For Dinner; we went to the Wyoming Rib & Chop House. The ribs were excellant. I had them as is without any additional suace. I recommend this location and if anytime I am in the area, I would go back. >Wyoming Rib & Chop House, 856 N Braodway, Sheridan Wyoming<

Tomarrow we start right away with the Big Horn mountains. There will be some twist and curves and a lot of scenary. We hope to capture some pictures tomarrow.

TTFN - LA I love you - Todd


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