Rockie Mountain Trip - Day +2

Todd in the Bighorn mountains
What a great riding day. We left Sheridan WY this morning after a good breakfast and with full gas tanks. Then we headed up Hwy 14 into the Bighorn mountains. The ride up into the Bighorns was fun and exciting, twisting and turning all the while going up. This was the beginning of the fun of the trip after yesterdays dash West. The weather was good, but the higher we went the colder it got. I turned on the heated grips for awhile. It got a little exciting when Steve spooked a couple of deer that ran out in front of me. I dodge the one that went to the front but did hear a clunk as something collided in the back. I think it may have been a hoof of the deer hitting the bike or a rock kicked up by the deer. Farther down the road I thought I saw some big dark brown thing moving in the woods. Although I can't be sure, it may have been a bear (since bigfoot has been found dead in a frezzer box it must have been a bear ). Because this territory is open for cattle grazing, we did see some cattle along side the road. Steve had to get some video of the cows. We cleared the summet of over 8000 feet and then started down a very steep grade. It was fun holding the bike back so I could clear the corners.

Steve at the summet of the Bighorns

At the bottom of the Bighorns we turned North into Montana and then over to Red Lodge. Leaving Red Lodge we started up to Beartooth Pass. The scenary was so beautiful. It was hard to keep the eyes on the road and not on the scenary. The mountains in this area are awesome. There was some snow on the hills but nothing to worry about while riding. There were plenty of curves and switch backs, to require you to keep your eyes on the road. We cleared the 10,947 foot summit and headed down the twisty, hairpin route to the bottom. Wonderful, awesome, inspiring!

You can see switchbacks on the Beartooth

As we left the Beartooth Pass, we turned south onto Chief Joeseph Highway. The Chiefs highway is a great road to travel with its own set of sweeping curves and twisties. On this route was a very interesting gorge with a rumbling river at the bottom. As we stood admiring the view Steve made an interesting comment: something about not having to go to Europe to see great sites like this. There is so much beauty in the USA that many people do not take the time to see. On the Chiefs highway you have to cross over another 8000 foot summit. A wonderful road, and maybe a bit under rated. I say this because of the very little traffic on this route as compared to the Beartooth. There was also some more cows. This time they were really close to the road. It made me think about the Mario Racing game on the WI. There is a track on this game where you have to drive through the cows. Ok, I guess you have to play the game to understand where my mind was.

We finished the day at around 4:30 in the town of Thermopolis WY after only traveling about 380 miles. After checking in, we headed over to Pamida to find some parts to repair my micorphone. Last night we diagnosed the problem as a broken wire in the microphone. We didn't have any parts to fix it last night. So again today it was a series of clicks and sometimes I'd talk right into the radio. Communications is important and really does help a road trip, and the lack of it becomes challanging. Anyhow, we fixed the radio tonight and we are ready for tomarrow. Steve said I McGiever'd it. I say I jury rigged it. Regardless it appears to work.

As for stops; We stopped for a break in Redlodge Montana and got gas in Cody WY.

Dinner tonight was Subway; nothing special. Its Sunday and we are in a small town. Most of the restaurants are closed. So we made due.

Tomarrow we head down to Colorado.

TTFN - LA I love you - Todd


joe said…
I'm glad you all are able to make the trip. And I'm happy, since I can be there lol, that y'all are keeping the blog updated. Stay safe, have fun and and keep blogging when you have a chance. I'll continue to keep y'all in my prayers.
Anonymous said…

Well done.


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