From Joe - How motorcycles saved my life - last night. Sorta.

From my friend Joe - from Tennesee- True story; Good laugh;
With his approval I share this!
I'm working in Minnesota this week... been here for the last year about as much as I've been at home.

This week and last week, I've been able to sweet talk my way into a pretty cool rental car. It's a Dodge Charger R/T (it's got the hemi) with a "Plum Crazy" package. As far as rental cars go, this is a pretty sweet car.

Somehow, while I'm driving this thing 'round town... the good angel on my shoulder seems to blow out the window. -shrug- The car, even stock, sounds pretty good. It just 'wants' you to open the thing up. Who am I to argue?

I'm out and about this evening... headed back to the hotel. It's a two lane road. I'm in the left lane. In front of me is Miss Slowbutt. To the right of me and to the front of her, not a thing. Behind me; well, I'll get to that in a minute. There's a good song on the radio. Windows are down. "The rumble from the engine's rolling out as one long song." It felt as if I had a moral obligation to pass this lady that is doing 10mph under the speed limit. The deal is though, the Charger didn't want to just "pass" this lady; it was imperative to pass with authority. So I did.

I passed the car - pedal to the metal... building speed pretty quick. Then I came accross some railroad tracks almost directly afterwards... and ended up testing the suspension :-) That was good fun right there. Only thing that could've made it any better would be some Waylon Jennings playing in the background... "just a good'ole boy, never mean'n no harm... beats all you ever saw... been in trouble with the law since they he was born..."

This is where things take a turn though. One of the cars behind me before passing that chick... it was a cop. I turned off the main road... and so did he. So I just pulled into the first parking lot there was. It's a bar no doubt. Great.

Officer walks up,Officer - "License and registration, please."
Joe - "Here you go, sir."
Officer - "Been drinking tonight?"
Joe - "No sir."
Officer - "Is this your destination tonight?"
Joe - "No sir. Was headed next door to grab some dinner. I saw you behind me, so I figured I should go ahead and stop."
Officer - "I pulled you over because it looks like you were going fast and especially since you 'bout caught air over the tracks back there. I didn't get the exact speed, but I'm pretty sure it was over the speed limit."
Joe - "Uh. Yeah, sorry 'bout that. It's a rental car. I think the devil lives in it."Officer - "Right."--I think he saw my hat (BMW Motorcycles)
Officer - "Tennessee, huh?" (reading from my license, of course)
Me - "Yes sir. I'm here on business for %some_company%"
Officer - "I hear there's some good riding down there. A place called The Dragon?"
Joe - "Yes sir. I live about 15-20 minutes from there. Moved there largely for that piece of road actually. Do you ride?"
Officer - "Yeah, I've got an R6 I like to play around on."
Joe - "Look me up if you ever come down there. I'll show you some local roads."
Officer - "I'll be right back"-- officer goes to the car for about a minuteOfficer - "Recommend any place to stay down there? Reasonably priced."
Joe - "There's the KSL down 28, couple motels down in Robinsville and Deals Gap usually has rooms. My door's always open, too - it's cheaper and the food is pretty decent. lol."
Officer - "I might take you up on that. Thanks. Here's your license back. Slow down."


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