Rockie Mountain Trip - Preperation D -4

Wow - The long awaited Rockie Mountain motorcycle trip is getting off with a rocky start.

This trip has been in the planning stage for almost two years. Originally slated to be ridden in 07, it was put on hold because I was pressed at work with a software release. I put the end of the summer ride aside last year.

This year, my loving wife, has supported me with my plans to have two motorcycle rides in one year. The first trip down Route 66 can be read below. The second trip to the Rockies was to be led by my brother. We make such a great team.

Steve's bike started acting up with clutch problems weeks ago. It looks like I might have to make this trip alone. Steve was suppose to lead this ride and had routes picked. Traveling alone isn't what I wanted, and sitting home isn't what Steve wanted. We had been planning this one for two years! I am going to go even if Steve isn't able. He would do the same for me.

And Steve is very bummed about the hassle and possible loss of a dream. I have had more optimism than he has.

OK, I won't leave you hanging any longer.... After much angst with the repair shop, Steve picked up his bike today. WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight we had dinner with Dad and my wife and went over the route. Its allsome. Some great planning. I'll try to keep you updated here. So come back.


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