Rockie Mountain Trip - Preperation D -1

Wow, its the night before departure. The day at work went by so fast, and it was in fact productive. The to-do list will be completed as soon as I get this Blog entry done. I crossed off the list mowing the grass, cleaning the bike and a whole lot of little things.

As I talked to my friend Allan at work today, I realized that what I am going through is very typical for anyone going on vacation. There are things to finish at work. There are animals to care for. The are family members that need attention. All the little details must be completed, or the trip begins with concern about what didn't get completed and left behid.

The saddle bags are packed. I think I am leaving so much behind because I have 1/2 of a bag left empty. I have less 'stuff' for this 8 day journey then I had on the 5 day journey to OK. What did I learn? What did I forget?

From what my brother Steve told me, he's packed and ready. The saga of the BMW continues because now he has a sticky clutch cable. He says it only has to work 8 times to get him home. And if it doesn't he has a back up plan (I hope).

The morning begins at about 6:00AM. I need to be in Richfield around 7:00. Then; its off to Wyoming. Comeback tomarrow night and see if we make it.

TTFN - LA; I love you! Todd


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