Rockie Mountain Trip - Preperation D -2

Its Thursday night - less than two days until we depart.

Last night, Steve stopped by and we had a great chat about the upcoming ride. I walked him out to his bike as he left. His bike seemed to be running rough. Steve laughed it off saying something like its just the twin of a BMW. This morning Steve emailed me: "Vibrations in the bars caused my hands to go to sleep. Could be caused by throttle body sync. Still can ride though." What more do we have to go through. Later today I got another email: "I went to Leo's, They checked the TBS and found a crack in the vacuum line. The bike ran very much smother on my return from Leo's, Going change a tire and then change oil and then wash bike. Set up radio gear." Great news....

My wife had a root canel and was feeling poorly. She then developed flu like symptoms. The poor lady has been down now with this for a couple of days. I told her that I was heisitant on leaving her sick. She does look better tonight. Not 100% - but better. I don't think she's just acting better because she wants to get rid of me lol.

Just days from departure and everything seems to be coming together. The software code I am writing for work is functional and ready for pre-test. A big goal on my work list. My bike is ready, with an oil change and a new rear tire. Bills are set up for payment while gone. I got my maps. And my todo list has a bunch of things checked off. But am I ready?

Saturday will tell - a long riding day with plans to go from MN well into Wyoming. Stay tune!


Anonymous said…
Have a great trip. Will check back to see how you guys are doing. Testing, Testing, Testing, Keep them Testers Testing (Rawhide...) - DB

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