UTAH TRIP - Day 2 Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah

Yesterdays total mileage per my odometer was 770 miles. Today we ran a 557 miles. That's a total 1327 miles in 2 days!

This morning we got up at 7:00AM - Central Standard time. That means we rolled out of bed at 6AM local time. We were so confused. But we were able to take our time, eat an egg and bacon breakfast provided by the motel and get out on the road on time.

At 8AM we headed south on hwy 71 out of ScottsBluff. I think this is an area that would be fun to explore. The actual Scotts bluff looked really neat as we road away from it. Actually all the bluffs, ridges and hills were interesting.

We got on interstate 80 and blasted into Laramie, Wyoming. At Laramie we got off of the interstate, topped off the tanks and took a 100 mile detour through Routt National Forest. The pass got a bit chilly at 57 degrees. There was plenty of snow on the mountain. I only had my lite riding jacket on so I got a bit chilled. But once we came down I was fine. The wild flowers were very abundant and colorful. Hwy 130 took us through the forest right back to Hwy 80. And thus, we turned west again.

The wind was really strong all days. For awhile it was blowing left to right. Then it changed the other direction. Sometimes it pushed straight at us. Of course there were no trees to stop it so it was pretty continuous. The wind made the journey even more difficult and dangerous. When you passed trucks you had to expect to be buffeted about. When going up or down steep grades you also had to take the wind into consideration. It was one of the more fatiguing stretches of interstate I have traveled.

There were a lot of motorcycles out again today. But since we are west of Sturgis they were going in the other direction. I didn't see many trailers today. I guess the riders on the west coast are not posers.

We danced all day with rain clouds. Just when we thought we'd get wet, the road turned and we'd miss it. Then, just as we crossed the Utah border the sky opened up, and we got rained on for a few minutes. Steve pulled over under a bridge so I could change my jacket. After changing into my waterproof jacket we started into Park City and it stopped.

The condo where we are staying is VERY nice. My brother Steve commented that it was too good for him and I. We were pretty tired tonight so we didn't explore very much. It looked like there was a concert that we missed. I guess they have one near the resort evey Saturday during the summer. We did manage to have a good meal at the restaurant on site.

Tomorrow we are taking things easy. Not sure what we have planned. Come back tomorrow to find out what happens!



LoriAnn Holmes said…
Very nice place! Thanks for sykping with me to show me the place and your view of the mountains. Wish Megan & I were there with you! Love you! LoriAnn

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