UTAH TRIP - Day -3

On August 6th, if God is willing, I will get out of bed and start the journey west to Utah.

I have three days to finish getting ready for the annual trip (somewhere) with my brother on our motorcycles. This year, we plan to base camp in a timeshare in Park City Utah. Two days out there and at least two days back. That gives us 5-6 days to ride the area before we head back.

The maintenance on the motorcycle has been completed. A serious tune up as well as new tires for the STead. The bike ran really sweet last weekend when Steve and I went into south western Wisconsin. This morning, starting the bike up to go to work, I noticed some smoke. Not sure what that is. Argh.

I bought new ridding boots because I have worn through the rubber at the toe on sole of the old left boot. I have to quit dragging my toes. My heavy Jacket is washed and tonight I will spray it with camp dry. Other clothes will be thrown together on thursday night.

Steve and I are attempting FRS communications again. My newest radio seems to have a potential problem. I suspect the headset. Although I didn't want to spend the $$$, I ordered a new headset.

The problems at work seem to be getting aligned, at least well enough for me not to feel guilty about leaving them behind.

SO, all in all, at this time, I believe the countdown is on, and the trip is a go.


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