UTAH TRIP - Day 4 Salt Lake and a loop north

We are traveling down HWY 150, a two lane road heading south out of Evanston WY that I have never traveled before towards a pass through a mountain range. Overhead the rain clouds hang over several of the peaks and passes. I wonder if the rain will be coming down in the pass this road is going through. The wind is buffeting us we travel. Gently the road starts to angle up into the Wasatch National forest, and I begin to get a little anxious about what awaits us. The higher up we travel, the lower the temperature goes. I am very thankful that I switched into my heavier, rain proof jacket. Up we go and as we do, the road has more turns in it. There are signs telling us to watch for livestock and its time for the deer to be out grazing. Up we go and the rain comes down gently onto us. Around a corner I see our first deer. Around another corner and we find that there are sheep all over the road. Not only do we have to dodge the sheep, but their droppings on the asphalt also. I noticed that the temperature has dipped down to 47 deg F. Over the pass we go at 10,800 feet. Not the highest pass that I have crossed, but today it was a challenge that we completed. The ride down the other side was a gentle grade that went on forever, allowing us to coast through the curves to the bottom.

Today our journey took us over three passes, into the city of Salt Lake, a visit to the Great Salt Lake, and then we took a lap around the Mormon tabernacle square.

We had searched for the first pass yesterday, but never found it. Steve traveled over it years ago and remembered it to be sweet. The only downfall was two miles of gravel. We hoped that in the years since Steve last traveled it, the asphalt ferries would visit. As we mounted up, Steve checked his oil and found it to be low. Off we went through Park City, looking for a gas station. On the other side of town, I turned down a road prepared to go back through the city to get the oil. Low and behold, the road I turned onto was the route over the first pass in the Wasatch Mountain state park. Steve felt his oil level was sufficient until we got to Salt Lake city. So up the hill we went. There was some construction on the lower level as we started up. But then the road was as sweet as Steve said it would be. The last two miles to the peak were still gravel and at first I thought we would turn back. But we both knew we had to get to the top. The route out of that pass was even more awesome. The rocky cliffs along both sides accented the rumbling stream that flowed along the road.

The pass put us into Salt Lake city. We stopped for gas where a nice lady helped us find an auto parts store where Steve could find his grade of oil. Then we had a quick lunch and headed west out of town to the Great Salt Lake.

So what has happened to the Lake. A person has to walk about a 1/3 of a mile from shore before you would reach the water. My speculation is that the surrounding cities are using the water that would naturally drain into the lake from the hills. Along the lake is a large copper mine, with a slag pile that is humongous. Steve and I opted for a quick stop for pictures and then head back into the city. I must admit that the lake is big and impressive.

Our next destination was to do a drive by of the Mormon tabernacle. On our way into town we were accosted by road construction. Trying to follow the poor city map that I had, I did find the Mormon square. From the drive by, the tabernacle looked impressive, especially being surrounded by all the other building of the church. From the number of buildings, my first thought was this is as big as the Vatican. Not having seen that, I could be really far off base.

We then traveled up back roads to Ogden. I was trying to find the skyline drive out of North Salt Lake, but the poor quality map didn't help me get us onto it. We made it into Ogden and then headed east on HWY 39; the second pass for the day.

Although this pass had a lot of beauty and many fun features, it is the least favorite of the three taken today. The HWY took us through the Cache National forest, into the city of Woodruff. There we turned south and headed back into Wyoming to the city of Evanston. Weren't we through this town on Saturday? (yep) From Evanston we headed down HWY 150 to the last pass and then home.

Yesterdays mileage was only 33 miles. Today we put on 306 miles. The total mileage for the trip is 1666. Our plans for Tuesday are still open. I am sure we will find something fun to do. Come back and find out what it is.


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