UTAH TRIP - Day 3 Recovering

There are two elements in life that makes a journey more favorable; a goal and a companion to accompany you. Having a goal motivates you to prepare and move forward. Having a companion gives you a sense of security as well as someone to discussion the joys and disappointments that come up.

Each year, since I started seriously riding my motorcycle, I have had a taken a long distance trip somewhere. For a few of the years, I participated in a Minnesota 24 hour rallies. Other years, there has been a trip east, west or south from where I live. Regardless of where I would go, this major trip was my most anticipated motorcycling event of the year. Each year I calibrated vacation schedule, my finances, and my family to meet the goals necessary for this goal. The goal to successfully travel a long way out and back safely has kept me busy each year. Without this goal, motorcycling for me would only be a commute to work and maybe a short adventure once in awhile. For some people, that goal is acceptable. When I met the goal to commute to work, my vision changed to riding to Black Hills SD. After reaching the Black Hills, my goal changed to being able to ride long distances, so I participated in the 24 hour rallies. After succeeding at that I wanted to travel many days, traveling the nation. I have made it to the great scenic, twisty roads in the east, south and west; checking off the states that have visited on two wheels. The current goal, is to make it to all 48 states. Because each state has something new to offer, and I want to taste the best it has to offer.

I know that I am not suppose to travel this earth alone. My wife plays an important roll in ensuring that doesn't happen. I love her so much for that. But out on the road, a good wing man is important. A wing man on the road provides you with a sense of security. At the end of the day, a wing man gives you someone to share the experience with. My brothers Steve and Doug have filled this roll while on two wheels. Since Doug is now riding on the golden highways, Steve blesses me by sharing my adventures. Our riding skills are vary similar. Our endurance (time sitting on your butt) is pretty much the same. Steve does have more riding experience. Steve has taken many trips out to the western states. Ironically, many of these trips west he traveled alone (hmm). He hasn't been to them all (yet), but he has an incredible knowledge of some of the great roads out here to travel. This is our second trip that we have taken past the Black Hills together. Today, I start experiencing Steve's knowledge of Utah. Along the way we both will see some new sites and new roads.

I knew this was going to happen, but today the realization that it was, sank in. Steve and I will be parting company on this trip miles from the end. You see, Steve is able to make additional time on the road, and is planning on heading into southern California to visit family. As for me, I have a schedule that must be adhered to, I have to get back to work. Steve's departure leave me with options. On Thursday, Steve will start his journey south and I plan to join him. But along the way, on Thursday, we will depart company.

Now, I have options ahead of me. I can check out of the resort and start my trip back by the long way, or I can loop back to the resort and spend another night here. If I come back to the resort, I can make it home in two days of hard riding, by myself on mostly interstate. I will be home with my family a day early. On the other hand, southern Utah has some great roads that I have yet to ride on, and there are additional roads back through Colorado that I haven't explored. But this will have me riding alone for three days; one of these days will be on great roads withing Colorado. The other two days will be mostly interstate. Some of you may recognise that there are a lot of variations to both scenarios. As I said I have options ahead of me.

As for our Sunday. We started the day with a home cooked breakfast of eggs and sausage made right here in our suite. We took the bikes out for a short ride with the intent to visit Park City. However, there was an art festival that took over the area so we still haven't visited the city. We did ride through the city roads trying to find a pass over the mountain. In the process we saw some fabulous looking homes with price tags over 2.5 million. On our way back to the resort we stopped and got groceries. After lunch Steve opted for a nap and I went out for a walk up the hill to find a geocache or two. It was a lazy day with not a lot happening.

Monday sound like it will be a mild day on the road, with an opportunity to visit the great Salt Lake. Come back and find out what really happens.


joe said…
Great description on riding, goals and having somebody to share the experience with. I'm praying for y'all. And I hope you continue to have a great trip.
joe said…
Great description on riding, goals and having somebody to share the experience with. I'm praying for y'all. And I hope you continue to have a great trip.

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