UTAH TRIP - Day 1 Minnesota, South Dakota and Nebraska

I left the house this morning at about 7:30 and ran into two traffic jams on the road to Steves. After a quick radio check and some final packing we left Steves house at 8:30. Our route took us down HWY 169 and then 60 into Worthington, MN. At Worthington, we jumped onto Interstate 90 with plans to make a bunch of highspeed miles.

Four hours into the ride we stopped for gas and lunch north of Sioux Falls. After lunch we jumped back onto Interstate 90. The bike week at Sturgis, SD is happening this weekend. This event put a lot of riders on 90 going our way. We passed a lot of Harley riders. And we passed a lot of Harleys on trailors. What kind of posers are they. Riding in air conditioning with your bike behind you on a trailor. There were a lot of really nice motor homes pulling some of those trailors. I wish I had a fraction of the $$$ those rigs must have cost.

Steve Riding down HWY 2 in Nebraska

Heading west on 90 the temperature reached 96 deg F. At Murdo, SD we stopped for gas and cold drinks. At this point we got off the Interstate and worked the two lane roads SouthWest towards ScottsBluff. The sand hills in this part of the state were pretty awesone looking. Steve recalls riding down the same road years before, but he isn't certain of the route he took. I guess he's getting old. As we passed through Alliance SD, I asked Steve if he had enough gas to make the final 50 miles to ScottsBluff. He said he had enough or was at least willing to try. A few miles down the road he slowed down to a gas conservative speed 5 mph below the limit. It was a miracle, Steve put in his gas tank 6.5 gallons, the tank is only suppose to hold 6 gallon tank.

When we got to ScottsBluff it was afer 9:00PM. We immediately filled up the tanks and then tried to find a place to stop. The first three motels we stopped at were full and they referred us to the Microtell in Gering. You just had to go this way, or that way. Whatever way we took, we couldn't find the place. I finally broke down and stopped at a gas station and asked for directions. Thats right men, I was so tired and broken down that I stopped and asked.

Well thats about all for the days journey. We are somewhere over 700 miles for the first days journey. I am to lazy to go back out to the bike to find the actual total. I will try to post the actual tomarrow. Our bikes are running well. Communication radios are working. We devoured a pizza in the room, so being real tired and with tummies full its time for bed.

Good night LoriAnn and Megan. I love you!


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