UTAH TRIP - Day -1

So what did the settlers feel like as they went through the final days before departing for the west. Packing, preparing, getting the horses ready, gathering every last bit of coin together, and saying goodbye to loved ones....

Yesterday started with a scare. I concluded that the bike was leaking oil. Anxiously I took the bike over to the shop. Bless her heart, LoriAnn drove over and brought me home to get the car. The day went by with no word on how the STead was doing. Finally, at 4:00PM I called and was told the bike was done. The valve cover seal had to be reset. Since the shop had down a valve job, they figured it was their problem and there was no cost to me but time. Again, LoriAnn drove me over to pick it up. Since the valve cover area is not under pressure, the bike could have been driven. But it would have been a mess. Today, it ran great with no leak.

Laundry and packing is almost done. Then its off to bed.

I feel sorry for the family tonight. I haven't been the most socialable. And tomarrow I leave for the west. I love them both so much.

If all goes well, Steve and I should be on the far side of SouthWest South Dakato. 700 + miles... Happy Trails.


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