UTAH TRIP - Day 7 A Trip Through Canyons

Steve and I left Park City this morning at about 8:20AM. We took the quickest way down to Provo and got on Interstate 15. We then blasted down 15 to Salina where we jumped onto HWY 24 and drove into Loa. At Loa, we took a break and got gas. A few miles outside of Loa, I said see you later to Steve as I road West and he took off south towards Teasdale.

It was hard to see him go. After all, we had left and gotten back home together for at least the last six years of summer road trips. But its good that Steve continues on with this trip. It will be a good opportunity for him. I know that he really wants to see the San Diego Holmes family. But I know that home was calling him also. He misses his Cats, his bed, his TV, etc...

As for me, I continued on through the Capital Reef National Park. The scenery was marvelous.

At Hanksville I turned South on HWY 95 which took me to the Glen Canyon Nation Recreational Area where Lake Powell is.

I was running ahead of schedule so I stopped at the Natural Bridges National Park. This had a short little parkway with stops along the way where you can see the three natural bridges there. I didn't see one of them because you had to take a pretty serious walk to get there. But I did see a couple of them.

Overall things are going well. The bike seems to doing well. I made an adjustment to the throttle lock so that it works. This allows me to give my right wrists a break on the long rides. I wish I would have fixed that on the way West. The battery in my electric tooth brush is dead. It used to hold a charge for over a week. Its getting old.

In Park City I purchased a liner for a camel back. A camel back is a backpack with a liner that can hold water to be drank on a trail or road. I filled the liner with ice water and the carried it in my tank bag. I was thankful, because this provided me with water to drink while driving today. With temperatures in the upper 90's, the water was really needed.

Steve and I exchanged voice messages tonight to let us know we got to where we were going. So I know he made St George. Tomorrow he blasts into San Diego. My prayers are with you Steve. Keep the wheels between the lines and the right side up.

Several of you have been suggesting and/or guessing the routes that I would take for this trip home. Keep coming back and you will see if you are close.


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