SS/BB could be considered a junk ride

First - lets not diminish the fact that a 1000 mile ride is difficult. Congrats to anyone who completed 1000 miles in 24 hours or less.

BUT OK, so schedule your ride, do your ride, get your witnesses and get a piece of paper and you have a IBA BB or SS. So what... Unless you actually finish the Iron Butt, 11,000 miles in 11 days, you still are only a Iron Butt rider. Your not a rally rider!

"Where else in the world do riders have to ride 11,000 miles in 11 days, while trying to find odd places like the remains of the Branch Dividian Compound, or stop by the Los Angeles County morgue to purchase a toe tag or take a hike in Lava Tube or perhaps visit the enchanted Guru Lane in the Black Rock desert in a remote section of Nevada? Only on the Iron Butt!!"

Think your butt is tough enough to complete a rally ride of a minimum of 1000 miles? A rally ride is completely different than a BB or SS. You don't just sit in the saddle and ride. You have competition, check points, bonus locations, many two lane road (sometimes dirt), time lines to meet, all while riding regardless of the weather, road, or bike. You might have to worry about loosing your flag, or a poloroid image.

Ride a IBA Sanctioned rally such as Team Stranges events and you'll be looking for giant balls of string, statues of strange and exotic beings, miscellaneous stores and restaurants. All of this while snaking down the road.

I haven't gotten the Iron Butt paper for a SS or BB, because I didn't need it. I could have! My rally events were IBA sanctioned. Winners of IBA sanctioned events are often given a spot on the Iron Butt.

Once you've completed a rally, then come and talk to me about 1000 miles. Not interested in a rally, then strap yourself in for a IBA 50CC or a 48-10. But don't just complete the SS or BB and think you got the right stuff.

Want my credentials - Here are a few that are documented:
1998 - Team Strange MN 1k - Rider 139 - 1435 miles
1999 - Team Strange MN 1K - Rider 139 - 1152 miles
2000 - Team Strange MN 2K - Rider 139 - 2295 miles
2001 - Team Strange MN 1k - Rider 139 - 1063 MIles
2003 - Team Strange MN 1K - Rider 130 - 1077 Miles


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