BBB FAYETTEVILLE - 1 Day and Counting

Its Monday night. Its the night before departure for the BBB in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

I am awaiting the last load of laundry, so I can pack the final bag. Did I pack to much? What am I missing?  Guess I will find out down the road.  Thankfully we are going into the land of Wally World.  Gotta find one with whatever I forgot.

In one saddle bag I will be carrying the clothes for the second half of the trip and my sandals. In the other saddlebag, I have the clothes for the first half of the trip and whatever I forget until I remember in the morning. In the top bag I have tennis shoes, my laptop, my tool kit and whatever else I have shoved into it. In a gym bag on the passenger seat is the remains of my foul weather gear. Seriously folks, I am not a rookie at this. Its just that this bike has more and different storage space. I am not sure where to put everything. I would guess that I will reload it several more times this trip and I will learn to load it out better.

Many of you may know that I have been recently traveling with two jackets. I have a warm weather jacket and my heavier darien jacket for cold and foul weather. For next year, I have to think about getting LoriAnn and I each a single jacket that will work for the warm, cold and foul riding. There is no way that each of us can take an extra jacket, when what we really need is an extra layer.

It seems weird that I am close to being packed, done, ready to go and its only 9:00 PM. I have to finish packing the last bag when laundry is done. And then - its done.

LoriAnn has a busy weekend planned and plenty of stuff to do while I am gone. I am sure going to miss her and I believe she'll miss me.

I am not sure who will be following this trip. I welcome you back if you are. Tuesday night must find us someplace in Missouri. Come back and find out where.


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