BBB Fayetteville - Day 3

Today started with a wake up ride and then a visit to Dickens street in Fayetteville.

From Eureka we headed east on 62 to BerryVille, tuned south on 21, turned west on 16 and road that into Fayetteville.

As we were heading into town, many groups of bikes were heading out of town on Hwy 16. As many of you might know, motorcyclists are friendly people. We like to give other riders a small wave, recognizing the common bond of the open road. Now, imagine passing twenty, thirty, forty groups of bikers. Each member waving at you, hoping, no expecting a wave back. IT gets old after awhile. I think there should be a moratorium on waving at rallies.

We got to Dickens street and walked and gawked. There are lots of vendors, many bikes of different types with there associated riders. We stopped at the Honda vendor and learned that they were having free demo rides, BBQ lunch and chances to win stuff. We scoped out the diferent T-shirt vendors. There is a lot to see and we check out more on the next visit. It was ealy in the day and not very crowded. We expect to see many more people the next time in to town.

As we left Dickens street we stopped at the Honda dealer and took a ride. Terry tried the 2012 wing and I road the NT770. I wasn't impresed with the NT770. Its two cyclinder engine and its stiff ride felt like a dirt bike on steroids. I will stay with the Wing!

When we got back to Eureka we were joined by another rider, Greg, that Terry knows. Greg road down from Chicago and will ride and gawk with us. Greg and Terry met through a motorcycle riding club. Through there discussions and talk, it sounded interesting. Although I never have been much for large group rides, the idea of meeting more people in riding sounds fun. We may need to try a few rides with the group.

For dinner, we were too lazy to do anything more than walk across the street to the bar/grill. I had a BBQ salad that was good. Gotta get out into town and try something new tonight.

I settled into the room and called LoriAnn around 10PM. I think she is having fun following us around on Latitude and reading through this blog. I am having fun, but I do miss her.

I don't have the milage. I will have to get that and edit it.


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