
At one time in my life I was into softball, sailing, canoeing, golfing, skiing, snowmobiling, motorcycling, and other things all at once. Because of time availability, personal, financial and physical reasons I have had to focus my passions to skiing and motorcycling.

Recently, I have been getting a bug for another hobby. I have thought about 4 wheeling since it has some winter summer overlap. This is something that LA enjoys also. But then the water is calling me.... Sailing, kayaking might be in my future again. There is a Kayak out there that can have an attached out rigger and a sail.... And there is Jet Skiing.... Again these things interest LA also.

Although I am extremely pleased with the new Goldwing, I do understand and embrace the fact that this new toy will keep me focused on motorcycles for another 8 years at least.

However, a brace of ATV's or Jet Skis would look nice in my cylinder count index. Maybe I could pull the trailor behind the wing!


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