BBB Fayetteville - Day 2

Today (Day 2) we stayed on Hwy 19 from New Florence to Thayer and then 63 into Mammoth Springs.

As we traveled South, we made a stop alongside a river to remove some of our layers of clothes because the temperature was into the 70's.

Hwy 19 is fun. Lots of turns, and roller coaster type of roads. And what makes it even better is that its almost 200 miles of turns and roller coaster type roads. About the time my arms got tired of pushing, the road straightened out giving me a break, although the hills made me want to push the throttle to get the full roller coaster affect.. weee

After a short stop for Lunch and a quick glance at the mammoth Spring and we were off on Ark Hwy 9 to 62, then we wimped out and stayed on 62 all the way to Eureka. We took a short detour trying to find the top of the ozarks. Never got to the tower, we think we found the road but we couldn't find any signs of it, or about it. The day ended after a respectable 387 miles.

This is the run off from the spring!

This lake is spring fed.

The city of Eureka Springs is rumbling with the sounds of motorcycles. There are a lot of bikes in the area, the majority are Harley Davidsons types. Although we are 40 miles from Fayetteville, the overspill must be bringing a lot of money into the city.

We went to a local bar/grill for dinner and then spent an hour or two outside of the motel discussing the days ride and lifes general issues. It was a great day.

Day 2 - 387 miles, Trip Total 899 miles


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