BBB FAYETTEVILLE - 14 Days and Counting

For many years, my brother Steve and I have set off across the nation in search of the perfect motorcycle road. We have visited Elvis, Lynchburg Tennesee, Blue Ridge Parkway, Deals Gap, and Kitty Hawk to the East. To the West we have traveled to Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. We followed Route 66 Illinois into Oklahoma. In addition, we have spent days riding throughout the Ozarks in Missouri and Arkansas.

Is there really such a thing a the perfect motorcycle road? There are so many routes and rides to choose from. I think I will leave this topic for another time.

This year, for personnal reasons, Steve is not able to venture forth with me. This has made me sad. When I wrote last year about how important a good wing man was (see UTAH TRIP - Day 3 Recovering) it never occured to me that would be the last time Steve and I would head down the road together. For awhile I really thought this years journey would be completed as a solo ride or worse case, not made at all.

Then out of the blue, my co-worker 'Terry', who also is a neighbor of mine, suggested we venture down into the Ozarks together. The desitnation is the Fayetteville Bikes, Blues and Bar-B-Que rally/ : September 28th through October 1st.

Since Terry and I had not ridden together before, both of us agreed that we needed to get some riding time together. So, a few weeks ago, we headed down south to Guttenburg Iowa and back as a break in ride. Truthfully, I think each of us was actually trying to break the other guy. HA! It was a great day for a ride. Leaving Lino Lakes, MN we took the freeway down to Rochester and then back roads to Guttenburg. We crossed the mighty Mississippi on a ferry near there. We then headed up the river on the Wisconsin side, crossing back into Iowa at Lansing. From there we headed north towards home following the river ending the journey after more than 500 miles.

Of course I had bragged to Terry about my own journeys; never once embellishing the truth (cough). Still, I was a little anxious about the ride because I have heard a little of Terry's long distance riding experiences (another cough). At the end of the day, I feel very comfortable with my ability to ride with Terry. I found that his speed, skill and techique were very comperable. He enjoyed stopping to see the scenary and yet, knew when we had to push on. He was comfortable taking the lead or allowing me to lead. After he asked me 'When are we going riding again', I felt he was OK with me. Since then Terry and I have taken another ride or two. In addition, we have had several planning sessions followed up with dinner with the wives. I am sure the long open road may uncover some issues, but for now, I am excited to find another riding partner.

The new motorcycle is going to make the journey even more fun (See earlier blog entries). To prepare I have been busy getting miles in. I hope to complete at least 1200 miles by Wednesday which marks my first two weeks with it. LoriAnn says that I need to be one with the bike. I agree that I need the experience on it. But truthfully, I like being on it because its just fun to ride. In preperation for the ride there are two additional pieces of equipment that need to be installed: the rear spoiler and the fog lights. Both of these will help increase the visibility of the bike. In addition, I need to outfit the bike with some tools as well as complete a few additional items to get it ready. Mostly I need to figure out how to pack it. You would think the additional space would be a blessing.

Currently we are planning to leave on Sept 27th, riding two days on the back roads to get down there; with the return after the rally also taking two days.

This entry has begun the countdown. I hope you will follow along in the journey. Feel free to come back and visit often, as I hope to update the preperation and journey on a daily basis.


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