BBB Fayetteville - Day 1

Today our travels brought us 512 miles; out of Minnesota, across Iowa and deep into the heart of Missouri. Tonight we are lodging in New Florence, MO which is at the intersection of HWY 19 and Interstate 70. Today was just a blast to get as far as possible into Missouri. Mission accomplished. Shortly after leaving home it started to rain out. Unfortunately, when I checked the weather it appeared we'd have safe passage into Iowa. So, I didn't put on my rain pants before leaving home. When we got down to Cannon Falls, MN I had to pull us off the road and get dressed appropriately. Well, 15 minutes down the road, the rain stopped. But the temperature dropped; I saw 52 degrees once, although most of the day was in the upper 50's. So the rain pants stayed on until Iowa City to keep me warm.

Dinner and a couple of beers gave us a chance to wind down. The motel provided us with some old towels to wipe the bikes off. Some TV and a call home to LoriAnn. Now its time for bed.

We have about 400 miles to travel tomorrow to Eureka Springs MO. These will be hard miles, through many small towns and over some twisty roads.

Come back tomorrow and find out how we do!


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