Great Journey of 2019 - The results and our third location

LoriAnn and I both conclude that the trip was successful for a vacation and for the residence hunting. This trip was filled with so many high points.   The greatest of theses was the time we spent with each other.

This was a great time to be gone.   We missed at least 5 significant snow falls and numerous sub zero days at home.  Thankfully we had our neighbors and kids on standby to shovel if needing.  A big thanks to Cliff for tackling the driveway.   I hope you enjoyed the treats and gift cards we gave you.  In retrospect, next time we are gone over the winter for an extended stay, we will probably hire a service to clear off the snow.

In Bonita Sprints we enjoyed spending time with Mark, Delores, Bev and Idola.   We had a great day out swimming on the beach and watching the pelicans dive into the water around us.   The air boat ride thru the everglades was especially fun.

In Daytona  the highlight was the the relaxed atmosphere with just each other.  We then picked a great day to go to race track and had a good tour.  The visit to the lighthouse was an unexpected treat. The beach at Daytona, as always, provided us with fun filled time wave bashing in the surf.

In Charleston, time with Jeff and Sharon topped the list.   But the four, half day tours were a great way to fill our visit: Carriage ride through Charleston; Fort Sumter; Cold War Submarine Memorial; and Boone Plantation. All four tours we did were a great use of time.   Seeing Sharon and Jeff's boy Zach was also a treat.

Although it was time for planning for the future, we did have fun in season five!  There was so much beauty on the drive through the Carolina's and then along the Blue Ridge Parkway into Gatlinburg. Buying some natural corn meal and flower from the small store near Joe's house in Marysille was a treat that will be put to use back home. While in Tennesse, we were so fortunate to spend time in towns such as Clemson, Strawberry Plains, and Crossville. And then there were the two fun shows we saw in Pidgeon Forge.

We have new places to return to and spend more time at. Places such as St Augestine, Asheville, Myrtle Beach top the list.

Regrets?  We have a few.  Getting a late start out of Bonita Springs put us into a terrible rush hour around Tampa.  It would have been great to see Joe in Marysville, and the other Joe in Spring Hill.  There was the missed opportunity to see the Biltmore estate in Asheville due to our poor planing.  Our alternative plan was great on the parkway. We enjoyed the drive. Not everyone would.

Our little SUV, Ruby, handled the trip well. But we will need a larger, roomier vehicle for our future traveling plans.   Not to carry more stuff, but to have have more cockpit room would be ideal.  Of course, lager would allow passengers to have the opportunity to see more. LoriAnn is more sensitive to the needs of the passenger.  While I can usually see over a headrest.  LoriAnn has spent years looking at the back of my head on the motorcycle.

By now you may be very curious on the outcome of the trip.  Let me say this first; we could have found a place to live anywhere we went and we would be happy anyplace we went.  However, we want the hills of Tenn. We liked the area around Knoxville and then down towards Marysville.  But we chose the area around south of Nashville around Murfreesboro.

Our top three choices for a future residence have been made: Tyler Texas, Edmond Oklahoma, and Murfreesboro Tennessee.

Now comes the hard work begins of choosing!


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