Great Journey of 2019 - Episode 2 of Season 2

Day 4 - Feb 28

Today our excitement begins with an everglades air boat ride and then a swamp buggy ride at Wooten's Air boat tours in Ochopee FL.  Mark drove us the fifty plus miles to Ochopee using mostly the interstate.  We made our reservations the night before.   We only needed to get to Ochopee in time.

Wooten's is located at the very bottom of Florida.   The temperature was warm but moderate and the sun was shining.   We first loaded into our air boat.  DJ was our guide and air boat pilot.  He took a moment to answer our questions, then he instructed us to put on our ear muffs (to muffle the sound) and then he spun up the engine.

Heading out of the channel away from the base we saw our first gator sunning himself just feet from the docks.   Once away from the docks, DJ got us moving, slip sliding through the mangrove and grass water ways.   In one area of the grass, we stopped in waters where five gators were floating on the surface.  DJ inched the boat to within 12 inches away from one gator.  LoriAnn asked DJ if gators ever got into a boat.  The answer was yes, and at that the gator swam off.

The air boat ride was fun.  It was definitely worth doing again.  Perhaps at another tour agency, only to get a different perspective.  My only disappointment was that we didn't cross over any grass or land.   I suppose the environmental destruction left behind the boat would be significant if each boat crossed over.   I will try to publish some of the video that I took at a later date.

After the air boat ride we crossed over the road to the loading ramp for the swamp buggy.   The buggy is an open air boat that has great big tires that keep it high off the road to allow it to go through mud and water.  We learned a lot about the logging industry in this area. We also learned that snakes can drop out of trees.  But none did. Oddly the buggy driver kept stopping in the sunny area's to tell us the about the terrain, when the shade was just feet away.  I am glad I put sun screen on before today's fun began.

After the rides, we walked through the Animal park that Wooten's has.  There were alligators and other local wild life.  Not sure why they would have lions and Siberian tigers.   They are not native to the area.    They looked well kept although it was just a cage.

We have a big dinner scheduled for tonight.   We all agreed we needed some type of snack since we had not ate since breakfast.   We just needed a fast food joint to get something.    As we headed back home we didn't find anything. We stopped at a couple of local restaurants but didn't have the time to stay and eat. We did see some more natural alligators in ponds alongside the two lane Highway 41 that we took back home.

Dinner tonight was at Cooper's Hawk with Mark, Delores, Bev and Idola.  Cooper's Hawk is a vineyard that also serves upscale food in a casual environment.   I tried a flight of their wine but I wasn't impressed.  LoriAnn had more seafood.   She loves her sea food along the coast.

After dinner we went over to Idola's to play more card games.   I couldn't win tonight.   It just wasn't in the cards.  

Day 5 - Mar 1

This morning started with a lite breakfast at Mark and Delores's and then we went to the flea market.  We are on a limited schedule because today LoriAnn and I leave for Daytona.   I want to get out of town around 1 PM, to be able to get around Tampa and through Orlando before rush hour.

This flea market is about 3 blocks long and two aisles wide.   The women went up one aisle, and the men another.   Mark and I made it to the end of our aisle and two thirds of the way back down the women's aisle before we found  LoriAnn and Delores.  It was after 11 AM.   We still needed to eat lunch and pack the car.  Mark and I hurried the ladies through the remaining market.   LoriAnn bought some cute little jewelry bags, and I bought a bike lock and some batteries.

We ate lunch at Mark and Delores's community restaurant.  The food there was good.  Of course, LoriAnn had more seafood.

After lunch we packed up the car and said our goodbyes.   Normally Mark and Delores are leaving us behind  and heading off to Florida.   Today we said our goodbyes to them. These two have been close friends for many years and they just graciously opened their home to us.  They played tour guide to us.   I found it hard, to leave and fought back a tear.

We got a late start leaving the area.   When we got close to Sarasota we hit traffic.  Bumper to bumper, at a very slow speed.   This went on for miles into Tampa and then west into Orlando.  Then to add insult we ran into a rain storm before we got into Daytona. Our five hour journey took us seven and a half.  We pulled into Daytona around 830 PM exhausted.

We quickly unloaded the car and walked over to the Landshark restaurant in Daytona for a late dinner and drinks. Of course LoriAnn had seafood again.  The place was empty.   Bike week and Spring break hadn't started yet.   So there was no crowd in Daytona.

Tomorrow when the sun rises, we expect to see the ocean.

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