Memories of the past, and planning for the future

Time has passed by, and the 2017 West Coast trip is becoming a wonderful memory that is fading fast.  I need to schedule time with LoriAnn to go through the photos.  This is a task that needs to be done so I can finish my archive procedure.  Perhaps as we weed out the duplicates or superfluous photos, our memory banks will become refreshed.

Since we love to travel we have already booked a trip west (by airplane) to Las Vegas to visit LoriAnn's sister in September.  LoriAnn's sister Jeanette moved to Las Vegas a couple of years ago. We have not seen her since she moved.  September in Las Vegas could be very hot.  We will take it one day at a time. We may make an overnight road trip into California to see LoriAnn's Aunt and Uncle. I am thinking we need to take Al(ian) to Nevada with us and visit the Extraterrestrial Highway. Actually, I think it would be way cool to go up there... We will have to see where this Las Vegas trip goes.

Al(ian) is the green one.

We have also booked a trip to Missouri (by car) for Thanksgiving week. Branson Missouri is like a second home to LoriAnn and I.  We love to ride the motorcycle in the area as well as see the many sights and sounds the area provides.  We have visited the area during Thanksgiving time before and we loved it.  The Branson Missouri area starts their holiday season over the Thanksgiving break and the area is all decorated with lights and holiday decorations.  Its a great way to begin the Christmas season.  I know that we will have to visit Silver Dollar City.

What about the motorcycle?  Well, the long weekend rides may be replaced with working on the home and lawn.


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