2017 West Coast - Retrospect: Home Appreciation

As mentioned, I plan to publish a few articles in retrospect of the trip.  This post has to due with returning home.

This was such an awesome trip!  We didn't want to leave the mountains, nor the coast.  Even the difficult days were an adventure.  We knew that when we got home, it would take time to decompress from being on the road for 16 days.  But we didn't think it would be this hard.  Perhaps it had to due with what we immediately encountered when we got home, or what we left undone when we left, but getting home didn't seem to be fun.

Yes, I do enjoy the fact that I do not have to pack up every morning.  I enjoy the comforts and conveniences that home has.  I enjoy my bed; my electric toothbrush, and my electric razor.  I enjoy the toys that I had left behind.  And I enjoy the air conditioning in my car. Despite all these comforts that should have made Home a place to be; we were hit with a sad case of reality when we got there.

Dad lives in assisted living.  That means there is suppose to be some level of self responsibility while there.  Still, we worked hard to ensure he would be OK while we were gone.  We stocked up his supplies, including his treats and extra wine.  We planned his doctor appointments so they wouldn't happen while we were gone.  We communicated our absence to the assisted living staff.  We worked hard to re-train him to be responsible for himself.  That self responsibility is important to ensure things would get done when we are gone.  However, Dad became sick while we were gone and that self responsibility disappeared.  After decompressing for an hour at home, LoriAnn and I went to visit Dad.  We walked into his room and had to promptly get to work.  So many little things had to be tended to.  We ended up leaving there an hour and a half later, wishing we had never come back.

We got home from dads and got to work on our own mess.  Our Cat: Cassie has kidney problems and occasionally pukes up her food.  I cleaned up numerous piles of fun.  LoriAnn started work on the laundry.  The yard needs mowing.  We have to resume working with insurance and contractors to repair the storm damage that happened before we left.

The bright spot of the evening were our friends Mark and Delores.  Although it was late, they called and asked if we wanted to get together.  Instead of going out, we invited them over for Margarita's.  It was so great to see them!  They had been on vacation just before we got back, so we took turns telling about the great fun we had on our travels!  They made our night by taking this time out for us.  We really love that couple.


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