2017 West Coast - 5121 Miles, 10 States

Every good thing has to come to an end.  Reluctantly, today is the last day on the road.

We visited with LoriAnn's niece last night.  This morning we got to have breakfast with LoriAnn's nephew.  It was great to see them both.  But this mornings visit was just a start to the procrastination that we did on getting home.

With gas in the tank, we jumped on I 90 again and headed for the Minnesota border.  LoriAnn was preoccupied as we crossed so she didn't get a picture of the state sign as we entered.  She prides herself on getting pictures of all the crossing points so this was a mild disappointment.

At Worthington, MN we stopped for a short visit at LoriAnn's friends: Orlan and Maggie.  Orlan is now 96 years old.  They are good people, and we always love seeing them. It was close to their lunch time, so we kept the visit short.  Worthington is where LoriAnn grew up.  We took a short tour of the city; passing by her childhood home.  Then we jumped on HWY 60 towards Mankato.

At Mankato, MN we stopped and visited a young friend of ours: Dan. I have known Dan since he was weeks old.  He is going to school at the University in Mankato and decided to stay the summer in town.  After spending time with him, eating a late lunch, we had to say goodbye because he had to get to work at 4PM.  Reluctantly we jumped onto HWY 169, onto the last leg of this wonderful trip.

We made it home safe.  The goals of the trip were completed as were numerous other accomplishments.

  • 16 days on the road
  • 5121 miles ridden per the bikes odometer
  • 10 states crossed; 5 of them I hadn't been too on a motorcycle.  Several LoriAnn and I hadn't ever been to before.
  • 9 National Parks visited; too many National Forests to count!
  • The highest peak was at Bear Tooth 10,947 feet
  • The Pacific Ocean coast was traveled by motorcycle
  • 3959 photos and videos taken

I hope to publish additional thoughts and events of the trip in retrospect.  Stay tuned for those.  In addition, I hope you will follow my blog to see future stories and events that pertain to my little corner of the world


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