60,000 miles in less than 6 years

I got home from a shopping trip and noticed that I was 32 miles away from rolling the odometer on the GL1800 to 60,000.

Since my wife was there when the odometer went to 50K, I thought it would be nice to include her in the ride to 60K.  So, when LoriAnn got home from work, I asked her if she wanted to go for a quick ride and get the odometer to roll over.   She couldn't wait, and rushed up to the bedroom to put on more appropriate riding clothes.

When we rolled out of the driveway, I turned north and looked up at the ski and noticed a storm approaching.  Not wanting to run directly into the rain, I took the first turn east in an effort to avoid the rain.  But then as I cruised east I noticed the rain closing on us from the north.  So I headed us in a south, south-west direction in an effort to cross under the storm. As I got directly south of home I turned north and headed directly into a very black sky!

I have had to ride in rain.  I know that if I want to ride I have to ride in the rain.  But this black sky looked like trouble.  My end run around the bottom of the storm failed.  So I headed directly to home and the safety of the garage, knowing that meeting our goal of 60K was going to be close.  We were less then a mile from home when I saw the odometer roll.  I was able to pull into the safety of the garage to take the picture. We had out run the storm.

Eleven months ago we were in Branson Missouri where we were able to watch the bike roll over to 50K.  So that means that we did over 10,000 miles in 11 months; which included the winter snow months.  I also looked back on the 2017 starting season odometer reading.  We are over 8,000 miles for this season.  I believe we are tracking to put in a 12,000 year.  Come back to see how we do!


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