Breakfast run

My friend Terry and I left on a breakfast run this morning (Saturday). Terry and I had become riding partners several years ago while looking for new riding companions.  We both have similar riding styles and endurance capabilities.  While eating wings and having a beer last week, we realized we hadn't been out riding together for awhile. So we booked this ride.  Because Terry had an engagement in the afternoon we were limited in travel time.  LoriAnn had to work, so she was only mildly disappointed that I road without her.

Bikes all ready to go, awaiting Terry's arrival

We had plans to run north from home into Grantsburg WI and then have breakfast there.  But rain storms were moving into that area and so, we redirected our route south.

Terry led us out of town, through Hudson WI, down to Prescott WI, and into Redwing MN.  There in Redwing we had breakfast at the Liberty Restaurant and Lounge.   I had a pretty decent egg scramble and the price was reasonable.

I led us out of Redwing onto a great twisty road into Welch MN.  Out of Welch we kept onto 2 lane roads through Hastings MN, around Stillwater MN, and into the cities.

Terry and I split up as we got closer to home. After riding close to 6000 miles without an oil change, I headed over to Dr. Mudspringers, where I purchased new oil and a filter for the bike.  Mudspringers is a local outfitter for motorcycle touring and adventure.  When I got home, I changed the oil and filter in the bike.  Then I washed and polished the motorcycle trailer, to prep it for its return to its owner.


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