Going backwards really fast

And yet, here I sit blogging; goodness!

Yesterday, LoriAnn and I took Megan up to Moorhead, MN to start college. After months of working with her to get ready, packed and such: it was bitter sweet to say good bye. She's a great kid and I think she's ready to begin her next phase of life. We miss her at home already.

But thats not todays main blog. I want to write about the motorcycle trip. Its about to begin and I am not ready. Oh, the bike is pretty set. But there are so many things on my to do list that I WANT to get done. Not that I need to get them done, still.

I have to pick up my perscription and I have to find some kind of brace for my damaged wrist. In addition, I have to check the air in the tires and the oil level. I have to pack. I have to fill out my time card at work (on line). I have to make sure bills are paid. And most of all I have to say good bye to my wife. Those are my have to do's.

But then there are my want to do's:

I ordered a new helmet for the trip and I was suppose to pick it up on Tuesday. But tuesday night, leaving work, the bike didn't start. The battery was dead because I left the key on. OK, we got the bike home, but by then the vendor was closed and I couldn't it. Making a mad dash from Moorhead, late yesterday, I made it to vendor and got it. Now, I have to set up electronics for it. Thats one thing I want to do today.

The bikes a pig. I want to wash it off at least.

I have some other shopping that I would like to do.

I would like to waterproof my jacket.
I would like to teach the world to sing..... Well I better get going and get this stuff done.


Sarah said…
Have fun on your trip!!

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