Day 8 - Four states of departure

Started in West VG on route 33 in the rain.
More twisties as we changed onto Hwy 47.
Crossed into Ohio at Parkersburg and left the twisting roads behind.
From here on, the rest of the trip will be on Interstate roads.
At Columbus we caught up with Intersate 70.
Shortly after that we found the rain again.
Crossed into Indiana on 70 and found the rain once again.
Rounding Indianapolis on the byway, the rain now drenched us for miles on the otherside of Indianapolis.
Just crossing over into Illinois, and the rain found us for the last time.
With gloves drenched, pants wet and a trickle down my back we ended in Urbanan.
About 560 miles traveled.
Back into central time.
And really really wanting to get home - this is just travel time.


Anonymous said…
"On a long and lonesome highway east of Omaha. I can hear the engine running, moaning out it's one long. You don't feel much like traveling, you just wish the trip was through.

Here I am, On the road again.
Here I am, back on the road.

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