Wow, its been awhile since I last posted. Lets see if I remember how to type.

Megans been really sick and trying to recover from Mono. For over a week she barely ate or drank. Last friday she spent the evening at the emergency room getting fluids and drugs. Today, she ate a bunch and drank a bunch and I actually heard her voice. Yeah.

Work is the pits. I'm behind schedule for the current project and currently on the critical path. Part of the fault is the customers constantly changing scope. Part is attention drift from Megan's crisis. I made some progress today, but a lot more is needed tomarrow.

LA has been wonderful. Shes so good to me and Megan. I thank God daily for her in my life.

We are worried about getting Megan to school in a couple of weeks. This illness has set her back and then there are numerous issues with her FAFSA. We have to rely on Megan's mom and step-dad to get the paperwork straight. We have to rely on God to get Megan's illness in check.

Steve and I are getting ready for another journey on the motorcycles. East coast bound in just over two weeks. Look for more information about the trip.

Goodnight, and God bless!


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