Longest trip of the year

On Saturday my brother and I left home for what was to be my first full day in the saddle. It started out a bit rough. Steve got to my home at about 7:45; this was just a bit after the rain began. The weather map showed that our planned route north west to Ely MN would be wet for most of the morning, and then the afternoon would be iffy. So, we changed directions and headed south east into Wisconsin.

As I said, the rain just began as Steve showed up. But as we discussed our planned direction, the rain got heavier. We left just as the rain was letting up, but no more than a half a mile away, the clouds opened up again.

As we traveled around Lino Lakes to go east, we road alongside a Bicycle race. Those poor competitors. They were drenched in their spandex. I later found our that my step sister was riding in the race. Way to go Sue!

Outside of White Bear, we left the rain behind. We crossed over the St Croix river at Stillwater, traveled south through Hudson Wisconsin; down to Prescot and along the Mississippi going South. At the town of Stockholm, we turned East again. From there I can't tell you where we went. Steve took me through some back roads I haven't been on for a couple of years.

Sometime after noon, we crossed over the Mississippi back into Minnesota at Winona and had lunch at Perkins. Nothing to sensational, but Steve had his first honey mustard chicken crunch salad; and he like it!

As we left Winona, it was my turn to lead again. We took back roads south to Houston, MN and then a great series of twisties south into Iowa, east to the river again, and then north to MN HWY 16. Hwy 16 is a decent road taking us back into Houston, Lanesboro and then to Preston. After a break at Preston, we turned north on Hwy 52 that took us all the way back to the twin cities. I arrived home just before 8PM. The rain came back around 8:30 - this time with reported tornados.

It was a great ride; and I traveled almost 500 miles. The bike was great. I really got to use the new front tire and the tune up helped.

Back home, LoriAnn was able to track me through a tool called Latitude on Igoogle. Igoogle is free. You too can follow me in my travels. If your interested, email me and I'll send you the particulars.

Am I ready for the trip? Physically most likely. But I need some equipment work.


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