Day 4 - Heading further east

This morning began with another trip down the dragon. It was a totally different trip this morning because the bikes were fully loaded. There was also nobody on it. At the crossroads we headed sourth on Hwy 28 to the border of North Carolina. As you leave the crossroads on Hwy 28, its a pretty good road with a bunch of nice corners, and great scenary. Farther down Hwy 28, there is another great set of corners on this same road. And still farther down it, another set. At the town of Highland, we turned east on Hwy 64 for about 60 miles. Now this road was decent, but it wasn't anything like Hwy 28 and it was extremely busy. Then we turned south on Hwy 158 into South Carolina. What a road. Its not famous like the dragon but it has a lot of the same ride to give you. If you travel down this road, watch our for the semi trucks. We noticed that they like to take up both lanes.

At this point of the ride we had only traveled about 180 mike in 5 hours. The corners tend to slow us down, but all the small towns and the incompetent drivers added to the delay. After five intense sets of twisting roads, we headed east on Hwy 11, and made up a little time. But out of necessity, we jumped onto the freeway and blasted to the other side of Charlotte. Then we jumped onto Hwy 24 and finished the night at Sanford. 408 miles for the day!

Really, the dragon is notorius out here. But there are so many other great roads in North Carolina. Just pick a direction.

My friend Joe really made us feel welcomed. Besides putting us up for a few night, giving us a couple of meals, he even let us play with his dog, Dallas. Dallas is very energetic frisbee player. Joe's a talented IT guy who has also been getting some serious track time on an SV. Yesterday was the first time in a couple years that we road together and I could see improvement. He gave me some tips yesterday that I applied today that really improved my riding. Now I have to remember them. Joe, thanks a bunch dude for your hospitality and your suggestions. Both Steve and I are riding well. We get a bit tired at the end of the day. We both can tell we aren't as young as we used to be... lol... Tomarrow we make a dash for the coast. We got to get there sooner or later; don't you think.


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