Day 5 - Trip to the coast

OK, I'm not sure if anyone is reading this. I am pretty tired so will try to keep it short. Yeah, if thats possible.

We got up early this morning determined to get to the coast today. We feasted (yeah sure) on the provided continental breakfast and then jumped on the bikes. For about two hours we blasted up the HWY 1 and then around Raleigh. Then we got off and headed east on HWY 264. 264 is a strange highway. It had straight stretches that lasted for many miles and then a turn and then another straight stretch (etc..). There was very little traffic going either way. Heavy help us if we had broken down. We went past a spot the Air Force uses for bombing test. And then waited in line for a road construction pilot truck to get back to us. OK, it wasn't that long of a wait, it was just hot.

Well we got to Nag's Head about 2PM. We felt there wasn't enough time to head down the outer bank so we decided to stay two nights in Nags Head. Our motel is right on the beach.
To close out the the rest of today, we headed to Kitty Hawk to the Wright Brothers memorial. I attached a picture of a replica of the plain.
After Kitty Hawk we went out for an early dinner. The Crab cakes were yummy. Afterwards we put on our swimming suits and went for a walk on the beach.

Tommorow we get to go down the banks, we'll see some lighhouses and other sights. Lets hope the weather is good.

I am afraid the extra time getting here is going to cost us some long hours in the saddle to get home. I remember the drives from Virginia Beach back to the Twin Cities when I was in the service. Sure the speed limit back then on the interstate was only 55, and there were gas shortages to affect your night and weekend travel. Still, all alone in the cockpit for 26 some hours back then with my Mountain Dew and M&M's did set some expectations that I carry with me on this trip.

Sad, I am actually wanting to turn the corner and head that way. I miss LA, Cassie and Izzy. I miss my own bed, these in the motel suck. Well, we are at lands end. We can't go any farther east. So starting Thursday morning, we'll be on our way. LA, I can't wait to give you a hug and a peck!

If your reading this, send me a note and let me know. Or hey, leave a comment.


joe said…
Still reading... hope you keep posting.
Sarah said…
I am reading! Glad your trip is going well!
K-Dog 550 said…
hey - i am reading, but no need to update for me..i'll get the scoop when you get back. all is well here! Kevin Bach
joe said…
Keep posting, buddy. I'm still reading.
mkrollman said…
Yo Todd. Kitty Hawk. I've been there. Hope your having fun!


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