Day 2 & 3 East bound and there

Sorry there wasn't a post last night. Saturday morning we left Decateur Il, and headed down two lane roads on our way to Tennessee. But first we had to make up for lost ground. It took us more than three hours of two lane roads just to get to Evansville In. Nothing much spectaculer about these miles. As we we leaving Indiania into Kentucky we traveled along the Ohio river for 30 miles and then turned south and crossed over. We traveled over some pretty decent roads, but the small towns and single red light districts impacted our progress. We crossed through Mamoth Park, a favorite of ours from the last time we came this way. Within the park the road ends at the edge of a river. Awaiting to take you to the other side is a little three car ferry boat.

We blasted South East into Tennessess to my friend "Joe's" home. Along the way were some great two lane twistie road and some more rain in Kentucky. Other than getting lost in the dark 30 miles from Joe's, the trip was just a bunch of uneventful twistie two lane roads.

Getting lost was really no big deal. We thought we should have found a road, but didn't. We turned around and went backwards. We didn't find the road going backwards; so again we turned around. If we had just gone a bit farther the first time we would have found the road. Hwy 95 was a very dark curvy road on a moon lit night. But at the end of it, Joe was waiting for us to lead us to his home. Thankfully, because without him, I am sure we wouldn't have found his place. Getting there we met Brandy, and Dallas. Brandy is Joe's lovely girlfriend. Dallas is Joe's friendly dog. Joe and Brandy had a feast awaiting us. What a greeting after traveling 560 miles of mostly twisting two lane roads in 13 hours.

Waking up this morning, we leisurely ate breakfast and got ready for todays ride. Leaving our saddlebags behind we headed up to the Dragon. I've written enough in the past about this particular stretch of highway. But in short, its one of the most famous riding roads on the eastern coast.

Today's ride wasn't that long but it was great. We traveled down Hwy 129 over the Dragon, stopping at both the turn around point and the crossroad. Then we crossed over the Cherohala parkway. A part of the parkway was covered in fog. It was fun watching Joe just disappear. Steve thought it was fun watching us both go. In the middle of the parkway the highway patrol was pulling over people and checking their drivers license. I think they were trying to ensure ever rider had a motorcycle endorsement. Of course we did and were quickly on our way. Joe led us home over some more great roads for about a 160 mile day.

For dinner, we traveled in Joe's truck, over to a microbrewery, had some very large and good Calzone. I mean large. Steve and I should have shared one, instead of having one each. Tonight, as I am writing this, Joe and Steve are playing guitars, and Brandy is crotcheting. God is great, beer is good and people are crazy.


LoriAnn Holmes said…
Hi Honey! Thanks for posting the update and pictures. Where is the picture of Joe, Brandy & Dallas?
House is really quiet without you and Megan. Miss you both!
Talk to you soon! I Love You! LA

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