2016 Puerto Rico Day 4

Since my second trip to Puerto Rico, I have always wanted to go to the Arecibo Observatory.  This was to be the trip. Four years ago we tried to go on Thanksgiving day.  We traveled some fun roads to get there only to find it closed.  This time I checked the web site to see what the visiting times were only to find that the Observatory was closed for renovations. I guess this means that I will need to make another trip to Puerto Rico.

Instead of Arecibo, I opted to take the family to the Bacardi Distllery for the Historical tour. We are not a bunch of big drinkers so some of you might think this was unusual.  Although I have expanded my menu selelctions over the years, I grew up with three primary drinks; Beer, Jack Daniels and coke, and Bacardi and coke. Since this was my eighth trip to the island for work or please, it is about time that I went.

From what I understand this used to be a free tour, but that was long ago.  Entrance was $12 each, but that included a free drink at the end.  They have you board a shuttle for a ride across the street to the historical building.  This is funny because at the end you get to walk back.  A guide describes many artifacts of the companies vast history.  There is a video to watch.  Some time to watch other videos and smell a variety of different flavors used by bacardi. The final stop is a short lesson on the traditional bacardi drinks.  The Bacardi Coke is actually named the Cuba Librea and the Daiquiri was original made on the rocks (duh, blenders didn't exist).  Then you get routed to the gift shop.

Besides trinkets and clothing, you can buy the Barcardi product.  The prices were not much less than what you pay back home.  There are a couple of flavers that you cannot buy anywhere else.  I picked up a bottle of Limited Reserve; a sipping rum - no coke allowed. As part of the purchase they engraved the battle and gave a nice certificate with my name on it. Hope I can get it packed and home ok.

At the end, we went to the hospitality area to get our free beverage and we also had a light lunch.  Tom had the traditional Cuba Librae, Megan and I had the Tropical Sunrise. LorAnn had the Daiquiri.  Then we split a Pina Colada and a Mojito.  Every drink was good, and contained the right amount of Rum!

After ariving back at the apartment, the kids took a nap and LoriAnn and I went for a walk.  Down the street about three houses is a basketball court where you can cut across to get to the beach.  We walked down the beach until we got to the Rio Mameyes river that flows from the El Yunque rain forest.  Looking upstream you can see the rain forest.  Since it was low tide, we forded the river and then walked up the beach until we got to the Wyndham resort. This beach differs from the beach we swam at.  There are larger waves and it is more natural.  Then when we got to the resort area, the beach was groomed but it still had the waves.  After scoping this side of the river we thought we better get back because the tide was coming back in.  As we crossed, we could see and feel the higher water.

For dinner we went to Revolution Pizza Shop.  It is kiosk 34 in the Luquillo kiosks. The Pizza was the best we had on the island.  Seriously, it was good.


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