2016 Puerto Rico Day 1

We caught a ride to the airport from our friend Scott and had an un eventful flight from Minnesota to Puerto Rico.  The first day being a travel day was exciting, and frustrating with all the much to do with baggage, security, ground transportation and such.
Somehow we managed to squeeze all the luggage we had into our rented vehicle and out of the airport we went. Like always, gettiing from the airport to our lodging requires travel down roads where I haven't been.  I always do better when I can leave the airport in the daytime.  Seeing the sun gives me a sense of direction.  Its been almost 2 years since I travelled the Highway to Luquillo, but as sights went by me, I got a sense that I have been here before. 
Our lodging is different this trip to the island.  Instead of staying at a resort we decided to rent an apartment. We choose Bella Mar in the town of Luquillo.  Luquillo is located in the Northeast corner of the island close to Fajardo. The apartment is a nice two bedroom place.  Driving up to the building, we pass some homes that are run down.  Everywhere there are walls and gates around the houses.  There are wild dogs, cats and chickens roaming the streets.  If this wasn't my first trip to the island I may have questioned my choice.
I hope to write more about the people and culture of Puerto Rico as our journey continues.
After fumbling with the multitude of keys, doors and locks my family entered the apartment and immediately we all went to the balcony to view the ocean that was breaking right at the base of the building.  Awesome is the word.  After sitting and watching the waves we set about our plans to unpack, and then go for dinner and groceries. 
Luquillo Kiosk's is a string of small restaurants and stores along side the highway.  We walked up and down the kiosks and decided to try the Conga.  I can't remember the kiosk number.  Megan had a skirt steak, pepers and onions combo.  LoriAnn had Mahi Mahi, and Tom and I had a special which was chicken and seafood.  It was all good. 
The trip to the grocery store was its normal chaos. We needed breakfast, and a few lunches.  But no one was hungry or would make up their minds on what they wanted.  LoriAnn ensured we got the right Puerto RIco coffee.  She also loaded us up with fruit.  Each of us loaded up on other snacks and goodies.
Getting 'home' we were exhausted.  After hanging out and listening to the surf crashing outside the apartment, we went to bed.


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