2016 Puerto Rico day 2

Its Sunday. Our first full day in town is typically a slow going day and today wasn't any better.   Everyone awoke late in the morning, and moved to the balcony to enjoy the sun, wind and view.  We are already well into vacation mode.  But our stomachs started to get the better of us.  It was great to have Eggs and Bacon for breakfast on the balcony.  Megan pitched in to help LoriAnn cook, and Tom and I had cleanup duty.
After breakfast we headed over to Balneario Monserrate Beach.  This is a popular city beach for the locals.  Since it was Sunday it was pretty busy.  The $4.50 entry fee we thought was modest.  The beach was clean, the water was calm. 
We swam and played in the water for a couple of hours.  As with most trips to the Caribean, LoriAnn again was excited that she could float in the salt water.  We took time out of swiming for a walk down the beach and it was fun to see the families enjoying the day. At one end of the beach, it comes to a point.  There we saw some local divers trying to spear fish.  Their catch bag was empty.

After showering and changing clothes, we drove down to Fajarh. do.  I really didn't know where I was driving.  Somehow I found the point where Kayak's left for the bio-lumenscent bay.  I drove us up a hill that a a very steep vertical rise that had me wondering if the car was going to make it. 
By now we were all getting hugary.  We had our hearts set on BBQ at a place that we passed coming into town, but it was closed.  We ended up eating at a local fast food chain called Pollo Tropical.  The place was considered fast food, but it was fresh cooked and not like a McDonalds. LoriAnn enjoys knowing about her food.  It's hard for her to ask questions in English, while the locals speak mostly spanish.  Its fun watching Megan try to step in and help us converse with locals with her rapidly diminishing command of spanish.
The rest of the evening we sat around, Megan read, the rest of us played on our electrical devices while listening to the wave crashing outside our apartment.  While we got ready for bed we all admired each otherssun burn and enjoyed the applications of Aloe.


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